Welcome to our first newsletter, which contains some important items from the COVERSE team.

Dear ,


Welcome to this first edition of COVERSE quicknews.


Thank you for registering with us, and a special big thanks to everyone who has completed their Vaccine Injury Profile.


Below are some important items from the COVERSE team. Please share with every vax-injured Australian that you know.

Government submission

COVERSE will be making a submission to the Australian Parliament's Inquiry into Long Covid. Our first draft is ready for you to review, and we welcome input to help make this better.

You can access and comment on the draft at Google Docs.

Since the deadline for submissions is fast approaching, we will need your feedback by this weekend (by the end of the day on Saturday 12th November). If you wish to make substantial input, please make a copy before editing and sharing with us.

Empowering the vax-injured

This is a callout for volunteers, to help COVERSE and the entire vax-injured community achieve better health outcomes.

We've all been struggling with our vax-injuries, and are facing challenges with our day-to-day. But together, through many small efforts, we can make a huge difference.

Having established COVERSE, the founders are in need of help to make good things happen.

Right now, we are particularly keen for volunteers with skills or interest in the following areas:

  • Social media
  • Political lobbying
  • Statistics
  • Legal advice
  • Web app development

Please contact us at contact@coverse.org.au to let us know of your interest in helping the cause.


While everyone involved with COVERSE is donating their time and resources to help make it happen, the organisation nevertheless does have ongoing financial costs. Our directors have been bootstrapping the start-up of COVERSE with their own funds.

To help us grow the organisation and make it sustainable, we are inviting the community to make a donation.

You can choose a once-off donation, or you can set up a monthly donation.

Our bank account details for directs transfers are:

  • Account name: COVERSE Ltd
  • BSB: 313 140
  • Account number: 12417119

If you would like to use a credit card instead, use one of the following buttons:

Note: if using the credit card monthly donation option, change the Qty to set how much you would like to donate per month.

Preliminary data from Vaccine Injury Profile

A big Thank You to everyone who has completed their Vaccine Injury Profile.

The data this generates will help us articulate the problems we are all facing, in a quantifiable way.

Early data reveals some interesting insights that we hope are not representative of the broader injured community. These include:

  • Two thirds of people who got injured as the result of being mandated to have the vaccine have had their worker's compensation claims rejected.
  • 40% of the injured got a subsequent dose, which worsened their injury symptoms.
  • The average time until the injured began to notice any improvement in their health is 8 months.

We truly hope these data are not indicative of the broader challenges faced by our community. We will run deeper analysis as we acquire more data.

On a positive note, however, almost everybody has indicated that they are interested in contributing to research efforts, should the opportunity arise. Stay tuned on this front. In the meantime, consider participating in the various surveys and international studies that are listed on our website, and continue to encourage other vax-injured Australians to register and complete the Vaccine Injury Profile.


This week (7-13 November) is Med Safety Week.

We have prepared a set of templates to help you take to social media (using the hashtag #MedSafetyWeek) and let the world know exactly what you think of the way our government has handled vaccine safety issues.

Access the templates at Google Docs.

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