Happy 2023. There is a lot going on behind the scenes at COVERSE, and we start the year with a recap of some exciting developments.

Dear ,


Happy 2023. We hope that the coming year will bring healing, recognition, and justice for every single person who has been adversely impacted by COVID-19 vaccines.


There is a lot going on behind the scenes at COVERSE, and we start the year with a recap of some exciting developments.


Are you, or is anyone you know, a lawyer who would be willing to do some simple pro bono work for COVERSE? If so, please contact us at contact@coverse.org.au.

We are on Parliamentary record!

The Australian Parliament has published our submission to their Inquiry into Long Covid. This is a big deal.

Documents that are published in this way become part of the official Parliamentary records (Hansard), and cannot be censored. This means that our submission can be freely read and cited by journalists, scientists, academics, politicians, and members of the public.

Our submission is #516. You are free to download it and share with anyone and everyone.

Download submission

We are preparing some campaigns to take advantage of this opportunity.

The first initiative has been to use it as supporting documentation to lobby WorkCover QLD to improve their support for vax-injured claimants (we will tackle other states in due course). Anyone in Queensland who is having (or had) an issue with their WorkCover claim, contact us for details.

In the news: the national conversation has started

20th December 2022. That’s the date that everything changed.

In case you weren’t following the news, this is the day that Australian mainstream media broke the news that Professor Kerryn Phelps (one of the most famous and well-respected medical personalities in the country) and her wife Jackie Stricker-Phelps (co-founder of COVERSE) have both been suffering from COVID-19 vaccine injuries.

This bombshell news was revealed via Prof Phelps’ own submission (#510) to Parliament’s Long Covid Inquiry, which details the couple’s struggles with oppressive symptoms, disinterest from the TGA, and a culture of silence across the medical profession brought on by tacit threats from regulators.

We have compiled a list of some of the mainstream media articles, which includes radio and TV interviews.


We encourage every vax-injured Australia, and every doctor seeing a rise in disabling diseases caused by these vaccines, to speak out at every opportunity you get. Feel free to point people to COVERSE, our submission document, and to the recent mainstream news articles.

Keep the TGA on their toes

We all know that the Australian Government drug regulator, the TGA, has dropped the ball.

They are not following up reports of serious adverse reactions, nor are they facilitating any detailed medical investigations.

In order to be able to hold them to account, we need to ensure that every single vax-injured Australian is on record.

If you are injured and you (or your doctors) have not yet submitted an adverse event report to the TGA, please make this a priority.

If you have already submitted a report, please take the time to submit a follow-up report with details of your symptom progression. Believe it or not, the TGA never, ever, follows-up.

We have prepared a web page to help you with this process: coverse.org.au/injured/tga-report

Catch us on YouTube

Our co-founder Nick Shulhin has generously donated his YouTube channel (and subscribers) to COVERSE.

Since early December 2022 we have been releasing short video chats, introducing ourselves and discussing a range of important topics.

Watch online at www.youtube.com/@CoVerseAU

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