Resources to help you write to your federal MP, and updates on what's been happening behind the scenes and around the world.

Dear ,


In this edition we introduce our resources to help you write to your federal MP, and provide updates on what's been happening behind the scenes and around the world.


COVERSE is run by and for Australians who have been adversely impacted by COVID-19 vaccines. We rely entirely on the generosity of their time and the contributions of others in the community. A small donation will go a long way to help us continue our efforts.

Write to your MP

We all like to criticise our politicians for not paying attention to us. However, unless we tell them about our individual situations, how will they know?

Additionally, there are already many politicians in Canberra who are concerned about vaccine injuries and deaths, yet don't want to speak publicly without the backing of their electorate.

For these reasons, it is important that every single vaccine-injured and bereaved Australian writes to their MP.

For those of you who have not yet done this, we have prepared some simple resources to help you write your own letter.

Over the past couple of months COVERSE has met with a number of MPs and Senators, and had correspondence with several others. Each of these politicians have emphasised the power of writing to them with your personal stories and requests for action.

International Women's Day

For this years' International Women's Day we prepared a short video that highlights some of the challenges being faced by vaccine-injured women.

We encourage you to like and share our social media posts on TwitterFacebookInstagramLinkedInYouTube, & TikTok.

Huge thanks to the women who contributed their voices to this video.

News from Germany

For some time now mainstream media in Germany has openly discussed the issue of vaccine injuries, and their government has been supporting treatment and research into these conditions.

This was highlighted in a recent mainstream TV interview with the German Federal Minister for Health, Karl Lauterbach, where he openly acknowledged the condition we call Long Vaccine Syndrome, and called for pharmaceutical companies to use their exorbitant profits to help support people who have been injured by their vaccines.

Watch online, and compare this with how our own Ministers have responded to questions around vaccine harms.

Research developments

Some of you may be aware of the Queensland Government's QoVAX research program to study immune responses to the COVID-19 vaccines.


We have heard worrying rumours that the Queensland Government has decided to de-fund this research.

Any of you who are enrolled in this study, or know of people who are, please contact us urgently so we can mount a campaign to lobby for the continuation of this research.

In more positive news, we have been having discussions, alongside our US sister organisation React19, with several research groups in Australia and overseas who are looking to undertake investigations of COVID-19 vaccine injuries and treatments. These projects will need donors to help fund them, so if yourself or someone you know has the financial capacity to support such research please get in touch with us to discuss.

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