Important new medical research results released this week by Yale University demonstrate that Post-Vaccination Syndrome (PVS) caused by the COVID-19 vaccines is a real disease and not a conspiracy theory!
In their pre-print titled “Immunological and Antigenic Signatures Associated with Chronic Illnesses after COVID-19 Vaccination”, which can be accessed online at, eminent researchers at Yale University examined the blood of patients suffering from chronic health issues linked to their COVID-19 vaccinations.
Key findings demonstrate a weakened immune system, increased activity of latent viruses, and spike protein in blood circulation up to 709 days after vaccination. The spike protein is the part of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that is used as the antigen in the vaccines administered in Australia.
These new findings overturn previous assurances from official public health authorities that the vaccine antigen does not linger in the body or continue to be produced by the body.
It also demonstrates that post-vaccination syndrome (PVS) is a real disease with proven biological underpinnings. Researcher Professor Akiko Iwasaki clarified “this is far from a final answer on PVS.”
The Australian Government and our tax-payer funded medical research organisations have refused to investigate Australian cases of post-vaccine syndrome, and have not informed the public about the risks of acquiring this disease following COVID-19 vaccination, despite receiving case reports of PVS since the vaccine rollout in 2021.
As Australians head into a federal election this year, COVERSE co-founder Dr Rado Faletič reminds all sitting representatives and prospective candidates that “thousands of innocent Australians are now permanently disabled from the COVID-19 vaccines.”
“These Australians took these products in good faith, and at the behest of state and federal governments.”
In 2022 the federal government introduced the COVID-19 Vaccination Claims Scheme, aimed at compensating Australians who had suffered injury from a COVID-19 vaccine. However, this scheme closed in September 2024 despite the government continuing to promote COVID-19 vaccination to the community.
The government’s compensation scheme has rejected 95% of applicants – one of the highest rejection rates in the world for no-fault vaccine compensation schemes. This is despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of applicants provided medical documentation linking their conditions to their COVID-19 vaccinations.
Dr Faletič further explains: “Considering that a significant number of COVID-19 vaccine-injured Australians did not apply, either due to the extremely cumbersome administrative burden of the scheme or due to the punishingly narrow eligibility criteria, we are confident that over 99% of citizens harmed by the COVID-19 vaccines have not been acknowledged or compensated.
“It is up to all of our representatives in Parliament to correct this ongoing injustice which continues to have ramifications by eroding trust in our public health system. COVERSE and the COVID-19 vaccine-injured community will be following the upcoming election closely to see which candidates are prepared to support these people, many of whom have been suffering for nearly four years.”
COVERSE is the national peak body representing Australians who have been adversely impacted by COVID-19 vaccines. It is 100% controlled and operated by COVID-19 vaccine-injured Australians and is a charity registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission. Full details of the organisation and its activities can be found on their website at COVERSE is non-partisan, has no conflicts of interest and has not accepted any funds from government, medical groups, or pharmaceutical corporations. It is a signatory to the recently established global Covid Vaccine Injury Alliance (CVIA),
For interviews or images please contact:
Rado Faletič, PhD
COVERSE co-director
Media relating to the Yale pre-print
- YaleNews, Immune markers of post vaccination syndrome indicate future research directions
- The New York Times, Scientists Describe Rare Syndrome Following Covid Vaccinations
- Daily Mail, Yale scientists link Covid vaccines to alarming new syndrome causing ‘distinct biological changes’ to body
-, Yale scientists’ study suggests Covid-19 vaccines may have led to horrible condition, PVS