Nick Shulhin

Board Member / Founder

Nick Shulhin is a software engineer and consultant with extensive experience working across different global companies and domains. He has maintained a YouTube channel since 2018 to share his knowledge and career insights with other software engineers.

Shortly following his first and only dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine in August 2021 Nick developed tachycardia and then severe body-wide muscle twitching concentrated in his lower calf muscles and feet, which has persisted ever since.

Nick saw numerous general practitioners, neurologists and cardiologists, but was not given a diagnosis or any effective treatment options. Desperate, Nick made use of his YouTube channel to document his issues in public in an attempt to find answers that might help him.

As his channel erupted he received a large number of emails from people all over the world, confirming that persistent muscle twitches and heart rate disorders after COVID-19 vaccination are incredibly common.

Nick is committed to sharing useful information about vaccine injuries and Long Vaccine Syndrome in public to raise awareness of unrecognised side-effects that change people’s lives and are not being investigated by government bodies.

Media & speeches

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