Given the complex nature of our vaccine reactions, it is essential that you keep records of your various tests, treatments and diagnoses. It is also important that you are able to share this information with each doctor you see, so they have as much information as possible to help them help you.
Knowledge is power! And keeping your own copies of health records that you are entitled to have access to, helps you take charge of your health and treatment.
Your health records include reports from:

If your details are not showing online in My Health Record, your hospital will have details on how to request your information. There are different Privacy Rules depending on whether you attended a Private or Public hospital. Private hospitals are governed by the OAIC. Public hospitals are governed by State privacy laws (see below).

It is best to request records such as pathology reports while at your GP. Pathology providers do have procedures for you to request your data, however most will charge a fee for this service.

Doctors & Specialists
Request copies of all correspondence between your GP and your specialists, including referrals and specialists reports.

Health professionals cannot withhold access to your information. Clinics can charge for providing your records but by law, that charge cannot be excessive.

My Health Record
A lot of information (including pathology reports from public hospitals) is made available 5-7 days post-discharge. Check your myGov account for this information.
If in doubt
If a private hospital, GP, specialist or ambulance service is withholding your health data or you are unsure of your rights, it may be helpful to refer directly to the Australian Government’s rules about health information: www.oaic.gov.au/privacy/health-information/access-your-health-information
If a public hospital is withholding your health data, or you are unsure of your rights, it may be helpful to refer to the relevant State privacy legislation.