Personal Safety

Individuals with vaccine injuries may face abuse in ways that are similar to others, yet their health conditions can make them particularly vulnerable in distinct ways.

Vaccine-injured people often cannot leave abusive relationships due to physical or financial constraints making them fully dependent on their household for care and accommodation. COVERSE is aware that women, who are over-represented in our support groups, are especially at risk of sexual and intimate partner violence. We join current calls for better solutions and urge the vaccine-injured to seek support despite the absence of government support for the vaccine-injured.

Exploiting someone’s vaccine injury to control them, undermine their self-worth, or diminish their autonomy is abusive and unacceptable.
Types of abuse

01 - Physical Abuse. This include causing physical harm to the person, such as hitting, slapping, kicking, or pushing.

02 - Emotional or Psychological Abuse. This involves behaviours such as verbal threats, humiliation, intimidation, manipulation, or isolation.

03 - Neglect. Neglect occurs when a caregiver fails to provide the necessary care or support for the vaccine injured person, including proper medication management, adequate nutrition hydration, personal hygiene, and medical care.

04 - Financial Abuse. The type of abuse involves the misuse or theft of the person’s financial resources, property, or assets.

05 - Sexual Abuse. Sexual abuse includes any non-consensual sexual contact or behaviour. This can include unwanted touching, sexual assault, or coercing the person into sexual activity. People who are vaccine injured may be particularly vulnerable due to physical or cognitive limitations.

It’s important to be vigilant for signs of abuse and take appropriate action if you suspect someone is experiencing abuse. If you are unsure, seek guidance from a trusted professional.

Support Services

  • Report online harm – if you are experiencing abuse, cyberbullying or other harms on digital platforms, you can report it to the Office of the eSafety Commissioner
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