
There is an ever-expanding body of published science addressing serious side-effects of the COVID-19 vaccines.

COVERSE has made this research public via The Lens, an online platform that makes access to article details possible via collaborations with the major open access scholarly and open data initiatives, including the global public resource of PubMed.

Use the search feature below to explore this collection, which currently numbers over 4,100 papers.

If you know of relevant scientific articles that do not appear in this collection please let us know via email.

Thank you to our international network of volunteers for making this work possible and accessible.

Search instructions

Search via The Lens utilises standard search syntax. Some of the basic operators are:

  • Boolean operators such as AND, OR and NOT, e.g. AstraZeneca AND myocarditis
  • Parenthesis ( ) to group search terms, e.g. (myocarditis AND pericarditis) NOT mRNA
  • Quotes " " to search an exact phrase, e.g. "Post-Acute COVID-19 Vaccination Syndrome"
  • Addition + and subtraction - to must include or must not include respectively, e.g. myopericarditis +Pfizer -Moderna -AstraZeneca -Novavax
  • Specific attributes such as title, abstract, keyword, e.g. title:pharmacovigilance

Further details can be found on The Lens support pages.

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