Press Release: Worrying findings from Yale study on Covid vaccines

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Important new medical research results released this week by Yale University demonstrate that Post-Vaccination Syndrome (PVS) caused by the COVID-19 vaccines is a real disease and not a conspiracy theory! In their pre-print titled “Immunological and Antigenic Signatures Associated with Chronic Illnesses after COVID-19 Vaccination”, which can be accessed online at,[…]

Shortfalls in AEFI reporting systems

In an investigative article in the British Medical Journal (BMJ), doctors, coroners, scientists and patients describe a puzzling series of shortfalls with VAERS, the US’s vaccine adverse event reporting system, in relations to the COVID-19 vaccines. The article describes the lack of follow-up or investigation from the US CDC (Centers for Disease Control), including in[…]

Growing recognition of Post Vaccine Syndrome

Patients suffering from Long Covid-like conditions after their Covid-19 vaccinations have long understood the reality that their condition has been caused by their vaccinations. However, given the nebulous cluster of symptoms and little diagnostic evidence, the scientific community has been slow to act on studying and identifying Long Vaccine Syndrome. However, a number of research[…]

US agencies neglect vaccine injuries

In an explosive article in the Wall Street Journal, vaccine-injured Americans detail how US authorities have kept the public in the dark about known, serious side effects of the Covid vaccines, particularly neurological complications. Furthermore, these agencies know that these injuries appear to be treatable if identified early. However, with the lack of guidance from[…]

Vaccine-injured scientists speak to the US National Academies

During late March 2023, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine in the USA undertook a literature review of adverse events associated with vaccines. This meeting included a session for public comment, which attracted a significant number of comments from scientists who themselves have been injured by the Covid-19 vaccines. You can listen to[…]

Anecdotals: documentary about COVID-19 vaccine injuries

American filmmaker Jennifer Sharp has created a wonderful documentary looking at those individuals with injuries from the COVID-19 vaccines, and the health politics surrounding them. The documentary covers a wide range of issues, from the acute and chronic injuries and deaths being suffered, to questions of fraud in the vaccine clinical trials, to the indifference[…]

CDC forced to release vaccine safety data

The US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been order by a court in Texas, USA to release data related to its v-safe phone app that was used to actively collect adverse event symptoms during the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines in the USA. The Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) sued the CDC multiple[…]

COVID-19 vaccines may cause Long Covid-like symptoms

The journal Science has published a news article describing patients exhibiting Long Covid-like symptoms following their vaccinations. A cohort of vaccine-injured patients were studied by researchers at the US National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), who have acknowledged the potential link to the vaccine. Despite these patient symptoms and the preliminary research findings,[…]

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