Public Policy

Where’s the compensation?

The Australian Government’s COVID-19 vaccine claims scheme is designed to provide security to those who are impacted by a serious reaction to their COVID-19 vaccinations, and encourage confidence in the vaccination program by demonstrating public support for those who are injured. However, the scheme has come under increasing criticism for being overly complex and narrow[…]

Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion

News Uncut and Oracle Films have released an insightful new documentary that delves into the very real and heartbreaking COVID-19 vaccine injuries and explores the systemic failings that have led to these injuries and the abandonment of the individuals suffering them. Huge thanks go out to our friends at UK CV Family for sharing their[…]

OzSAGE position statement on the management of COVID-19 vaccine adverse events

OzSAGE is a non-profit organisation, established to provide independent expert advice on a variety of public issues around the COVID-19 pandemic. It has a diverse membership, including medical professionals, scientists, engineers, social scientists, lawyers, public policy experts, and more. The aims of its position statement on the management of COVID-10 vaccine adverse events are to:[…]

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