Public Policy

Germany includes vax injuries in Long Covid research funding

On 20th March 2024 the German Federal Ministry of Health opened a research fund for Long Covid. What’s interesting about this fund is that it explicitly includes “complaints related to a COVID-19 vaccination… and Long COVID-like complaints in temporal connection with a COVID-19 vaccination.” Details of the fund can be found online at: (English[…]

COVERSE testifies in Parliament

On 1 February 2024 COVERSE was invited to testify before the Senate Standing Committees on Legal and Constitutional Affairs which was holding an inquiry into terms of reference for a potential COVID-19 Royal Commission. COVERSE was represented by board members Rado Faletič and Rachel O’Reilly. Senators asked about challenges with the federal government’s Covid-19 Vaccine[…]

The Lockdown Files: AstraZeneca vaccine

The Daily Telegraph — one of the UK’s major newspapers — has run a series of news articles about problems surrounding AstraZeneca’s Covid vaccine. This has come about as a result of The Lockdown Files, which are leaked text messages from former UK health secretary Matt Hancock, coupled with evidence emerging from the UK Covid-19[…]

Shortfalls in AEFI reporting systems

In an investigative article in the British Medical Journal (BMJ), doctors, coroners, scientists and patients describe a puzzling series of shortfalls with VAERS, the US’s vaccine adverse event reporting system, in relations to the COVID-19 vaccines. The article describes the lack of follow-up or investigation from the US CDC (Centers for Disease Control), including in[…]

US agencies neglect vaccine injuries

In an explosive article in the Wall Street Journal, vaccine-injured Americans detail how US authorities have kept the public in the dark about known, serious side effects of the Covid vaccines, particularly neurological complications. Furthermore, these agencies know that these injuries appear to be treatable if identified early. However, with the lack of guidance from[…]

A letter to federal politicians

In late January / early February 2023, COVERSE wrote individually to every single federal Senator and Member of Parliament, detailing the situation being faced by those of us suffering from COVID-19 vaccine injuries, and asking for them to take action to help us. Below is a copy of the text of our letter… RE: COVID-19[…]

COVID-19 vaccine claims scheme is not fit for purpose

The Australian Government has created a compensation program, the COVID-19 vaccine claims scheme, to provide financial compensation for people who have suffered a loss as a result of a serious adverse reaction to their COVID-19 vaccinations. However, the scheme is proving to be incredibly complex and limiting, effectively ensuring that only a token few injured[…]

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