When considering subsequent vaccinations for those patients who have already experienced a worrying adverse reaction to their COVID-19 vaccinations, our community statistics suggest that ~80% of these patients who get a subsequent COVID-19 vaccine experienced an additional or worsening adverse reaction. Please consider this evidence as a part of informed consent in your discussions with patients.
— COVERSE data
We are working hard to bring together information about emerging treatments for different COVID-19 vaccine injuries, and how these fit into the Australian health landscape. Patients experiencing these injuries have tried a large number of interventions in an attempt to overcome their symptoms. This includes pharmaceuticals, lifestyle changes, supplements, physical therapies, and many unconventional treatments.
While some medical conditions may be familiar to you, and indicate specific treatment options, in many cases it may not be so obvious or these treatments may be ineffective.
We encourage you to search the medical literature for relevant case reports and studies, which may help provide insight into treatment options. React19 in the USA has a list of peer-reviewed papers that has been categorised to help you narrow down your search.
As a health practitioner, another good place to start might be to digest some of the review articles on treatment approaches, including for Long Covid, given the uncanny overlap of symptoms between Long Covid and many with COVID-19 vaccine injuries. For example:
- Cardiovascular Considerations in the Management of People With Suspected Long COVID. Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 6 April 2023. doi:10.1016/j.cjca.2023.04.003
- Long covid — an update for primary care. BMJ, 22 September 2022. doi:10.1136/bmj-2022-072117
Doctors and researchers in Marburg, Germany are working with patients from both groups, and the paper “The rationale for the treatment of long-Covid symptoms” (Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, September 2022) details the similarities and major theories behind their cause. Several state/territory governments have established Long Covid clinics in major cities, and it may be appropriate to refer your patients to one of these clinics in addition to other approaches that you and other specialists are implementing.
It is prudent to be mindful of potential treatments outside of your expertise, and even outside conventional medical approaches (noting that many patients have found promising solutions from “wholistic” approaches that implement a range of different interventions).
Several of our partner organisations overseas have conducted surveys on patients which may assist you gain some insight to treatment options for your patients, noting the limitations of surveys such as these:
- Post-Vac-Syndrom (Germany) — Survey [also available in English]
- React19 (USA) — Persistent Symptoms Survey #2
- UK — Post-COVID Vaccine Survey
As discussions amongst our medical network progress, we will post further information here and via email in the future. Be sure to register with us to stay up-to-date.