It’s time to get the story straight on who is being most severely affected by COVID-19 vaccine injury

CANBERRA, ACT — This International Women’s Day COVERSE draws attention to the plight of the many women whose lives have been destroyed by their COVID-19 vaccination. It may come as a surprise that the number of women affected by injury is significantly higher than men, but it shouldn’t. Studies consistently show that inequalities exist at every stage of a woman’s medical journey and vaccine injury is, unfortunately, showing to be no different.

To draw attention to this issue, COVERSE has asked some Australian women about their lived experience of COVID-19 vaccine injuries and published a short video of their response. You can view this video here:

Despite the narrative that adverse reactions are ‘short lived’ and affect predominantly young males or senior citizens with comorbidities, two-thirds of COVERSE members are women, the average age is 50 and the average time to see any improvement in adverse event symptoms is more than 6 months. The majority of our members have not fully recovered, after up to 2 years of suffering.

COVERSE reports that when many of their female members develop significant chest pain, shortness of breath and fluctuating heart rates, their symptoms are almost always diagnosed as related to their mental health. They recount stories from many injured women whose initial diagnosis was anxiety and after months of suffering, were diagnosed with myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle, a condition that if left untreated, can be fatal.

COVERSE asks all Australians to pause on International Women’s Day and reflect on the genuine struggle women are facing as the rest of the world moves on from the pandemic. Proper diagnosis is the very first hurdle that many women face and the subsequent health issues that manifest during their medical abandonment continue to grow. These women were vaccinated, like the majority of Australians, in response to a global health emergency and have since been abandoned by every institution they had faith in. Many are suffering this injustice in silence. They deserve better. It is time for Australia to truly embrace equality and support the women whose health continues to be adversely affected by their COVID-19 vaccination.

It’s time to get the story straight on who is being most severely affected by COVID-19 vaccine injury
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