
Open Letter: Fixing the COVID-19 Vaccine Claims Scheme

In late-August 2024, COVERSE wrote to every single federal Member of Parliament, calling on them to listen to their Covid vaccine-injured constituents and to work towards solve their pressing health and financial needs. Below is a copy of the text of our letter… Dear Members, We are writing again as directors of COVERSE — the[…]

Misalignment between evidence and the vaccine compensation scheme

This report shows that the Australian Government is not providing a meaningful COVID-19 vaccine compensation scheme, and is not currently accountable for the empirical range of serious adverse events including disabilities caused by COVID-19 vaccines. We call for an immediate review of the COVID-19 Vaccine Claims Scheme to ensure it encompasses protection from injury by serious adverse events in a way that is comprehensive, equity-driven, genuinely accessible, and evidence-led.

Open Letter: Review of COVID-19 Vaccine Claims Scheme

In mid-July 2024, COVERSE wrote to every single federal Senator, calling for a Parliamentary inquiry into the COVID-19 Vaccine Claims Scheme, and drawing attention to its failures. Below is a copy of the text of our letter… RE: Review of COVID-19 Vaccine Claims Scheme Dear Senator, We are writing as co-founders and directors of COVERSE[…]

The Lockdown Files: AstraZeneca vaccine

The Daily Telegraph — one of the UK’s major newspapers — has run a series of news articles about problems surrounding AstraZeneca’s Covid vaccine. This has come about as a result of The Lockdown Files, which are leaked text messages from former UK health secretary Matt Hancock, coupled with evidence emerging from the UK Covid-19[…]

New Matilda does vaccine injuries

Independent Australian news website New Matilda has published a series of insightful articles on the issue of Covid vaccine injuries. Most centre and left-leaning publications have dared not broach the topic of vaccine injury, proclaiming that they are “pro vax” publications, with the vast majority of mainstream reporting on the topic appearing in right-leaning outlets.[…]

UK Covid-19 Inquiry begins

The UK Government has established a public inquiry into the handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, and includes a specific module dedicated to Vaccines and Therapeutics (Module 4). The vaccine injured and bereaved in the UK are represented by vaccine-injury groups UK CV Family, Scottish Vaccine Injury Group, and VIB UK, who have been granted core[…]

Australians speak out about vaccine harms

In mid-2023, Australians who have experienced serious outcomes from the Covid-19 vaccines spoke to audiences around Australia at major events hosted by the Australian Medical Professionals’ Association (AMPS) as part of a speaking tour by UK public health advocate Dr Aseem Malhotra. Watch videos of their stories by clicking on their names or photos below.[…]

US agencies neglect vaccine injuries

In an explosive article in the Wall Street Journal, vaccine-injured Americans detail how US authorities have kept the public in the dark about known, serious side effects of the Covid vaccines, particularly neurological complications. Furthermore, these agencies know that these injuries appear to be treatable if identified early. However, with the lack of guidance from[…]

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