
Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion

News Uncut and Oracle Films have released an insightful new documentary that delves into the very real and heartbreaking COVID-19 vaccine injuries and explores the systemic failings that have led to these injuries and the abandonment of the individuals suffering them. Huge thanks go out to our friends at UK CV Family for sharing their[…]

Vaccines can cause Long Covid

The German ministry of health — Bundesministerium für Gesundheit (BMG) — is acknowledging that “Post-Vac-Syndrom”, which mirrors Long Covid, is a side-effect of COVID-19 vaccinations. This recognition comes about due to that country’s robust and ongoing adverse event surveillance program which, unlike Australia’s short-term (AusVaxSafety) and passive (TGA) surveillance programmes, can detect ongoing and longer-term[…]

Open letter to CEOs of Pfizer & Moderna

The authors of a study that undertook a reanalysis of Pfizer and Moderna’s clinical trial data have written an open letter in The British Medical Journal to the CEOs of both corporations, urging them to release all patient clinical data from COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials. The study in question combined data from both vaccine clinical[…]

OzSAGE position statement on the management of COVID-19 vaccine adverse events

OzSAGE is a non-profit organisation, established to provide independent expert advice on a variety of public issues around the COVID-19 pandemic. It has a diverse membership, including medical professionals, scientists, engineers, social scientists, lawyers, public policy experts, and more. The aims of its position statement on the management of COVID-10 vaccine adverse events are to:[…]

Music photographer interviewed about her vax reaction

World-renowned music photographer Michelle Grace Hunder speaks with Byron Cooke of KIIS 101.1 Melbourne radio on his podcast “A Dose Of Positive with Byron Cooke”. Michelle was keen to take the COVID-19 vaccine in order to get back into her thriving career as a music photographer — a profession that sees her travel the world.[…]

DJ tyDI paralysed after mRNA vaccine

Australian DJ sensation Tyson Illingworth — professionally known as tyDI — suffered partial paralysis after his Moderna COVID-19 vaccinations. He was hospitalised with severe neurological complications, with doctors privately confirming his condition was as a direct result of the mRNA vaccination. In an interview with, tyDI speaks out about the culture of fear amongst[…]

Teacher suffers brain lesions after COVID-19 vaccine

Teacher Bek Bickerton had to take a COVID-19 vaccine as a condition of her employment as a teacher and suffered a significant adverse reaction resulting in brain lesions, POTS and much more. Despite the severe nature of her reactions, she was unable to receive an exemption from state vaccine mandates, which has placed financial pressure[…]

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